Statement of Intent

New contractual requirements came into force from 01 April 2014 requiring that GP Practices should make available a statement of intent in relation to the following IT developments:

  • 1 Summary Care Record (SCR)
  • 2 GP to GP Record Transfers
  • 3 Patient Online Access to their GP Record
  • 4 Data for commissioning and other secondary care purposes
  • The same contractual obligations require that we have a statement of intent regarding these developments in place and publicised to our patient by 30 September 2014.

Summary Care Record (SCR)

NHS England require practices to enable successful automated uploads of any changes to patient’s summary information at least on a daily basis, to the summary care record (SCR) or have published plans in place to achieve this by 31 March 2015.

Having your Summary Care Record available will help anyone treating you without your full medical record. They will have access to information about your medication you may be taking and any drugs that you have a recorded allergy or sensitivity to. Of course, if you do not want your medical records to be available in this way then you will need to let us know so that we can update your record. You can do this via the opt out form on the Summary Care Website or telephone 0300 123 3020 .

Clayton Brook Surgery confirms that your Summary Care Record is automatically updated on a lest a daily basis to ensure that your information is up to date.

GP to GP Record Transfers

NHS England requires practices to utilise the GP2GP facility for the transfer of patient records between practices, when a patient registers or de-registers (excluding temporary registration).

It is very important that you are registered with a doctor at all times. If you leave your GP and register with a new GP, your medical records will be removed from your previous doctor and forwarded on to your GP via NHS England. It can take your paper records up to two weeks to reach new your new Surgery.

With GP to GP record transfers your electronic record is transferred to your new practice much sooner.

Clayton Brook Surgery confirms that GP to GP transfers are already active and we send and receive patient records via this system.

Patient Online Access to Their GP Record

NHS England requires practices to promote and offer the facility to enable patients online access to appointments, prescriptions, allergies and adverse reactions.

Clayton Brook Surgery currently offers the facility for ordering your repeat prescriptions online and booking appointments.

Data for commissioning and other secondary care purposes

It is already a requirement of the Health and Social Care Act that practices must meet the reasonable data requirements of commissioners and other health and social care organisations through appropriate and safe data sharing for secondary users and data sharing for secondary uses.

GMS/PMS 2015 – 2016 Contractual Requirements for Patient Online Service

From the 01 April 2016 Clayton Brook Surgery will also provide patients with online access to their medical records. This includes Immunisations, Summary, Problems, Test Results and Consultations.

To gain access to your medical record you must be aged sixteen and over.

Please ask one of our administration team for more details.