Infection Control Statement


Clayton Brook Surgery is committed to the control of infection within the building and in relation to the clinical procedures carried out within it. This statement has been produced in line with the Health and Social Care Act 2008.

This statement will be reviewed annually.

It summarises:

  • Any infection transmission incidents and any action taken (Significant Event)
  • Details of any infection control audits and any actions taken
  • Details of staff training
  • Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines


This protocol applies to all staff employed by Clayton Brook Surgery

Infection Control Lead

Deborah Meade Mcloughlin is the Surgery’s Infection Control Lead, who carries out annual audits.

Training relating to Infection Control

All Clayton Brook Surgery staff members have received instruction, information or training relating to Infection Prevention and Control. we provide annual online training as well as training required by our Infection Control Lead during the practice education meetings.


As a practice we ensure that all our clinical staff are up to date with their Hepatitis B immunisations and offered any occupational health vaccinations applicable to their role. We take part in the National immunisations campaigns for patients and we offer vaccinations in house and via home visits our patient population.


Our cleaning contractor, work to cleaning specifications laid out in their contract along with frequencies and an annual audit takes place to ensure these are being met. Cleaning equipment is stored in accordance with the NHS Cleaning Specifications.

In the clinical rooms the modesty screens are paper type material and changed six monthly.

Spill kits for blood, vomit or urine are provided in the reception area complete with all necessary PPE.

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

  • Clayton Brook Surgery provides PPE for all members of the team in line with their role:
  • Clinical staff are provided with aprons and several different types and sizes of gloves.
  • Reception Staff are provided with gloves for the handling of sample pots.


Clinical waste is collected weekly, waste transfer sheets are retained for five years.

Domestic waste is disposed of via a commercial contractor. Collections take place weekly.

Fixtures, Fittings and Furniture

All decorating renewals and repairs will be made in line with infection control guidelines.

The seating and examination couches in the clinical rooms are of wipeable materials.


It is the responsibility of each individual to be familiar with this statement and their roles and responsibilities under this. It is also the responsibility of the Practice Manager to ensure staff are familiar with the contents,

Additional Measures – Covid 19

During Covid 19 we are instituting extra cleaning and infection control measures to reduce the risk and minimise transmission of infections, including wiping down of workstations before and after use and operating a zoning system for face to face appointments, to reduce the amount of movement around the surgery. The staff have been provided with suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) for their role and exposure levels.

Routine Appointments

All routine appointments are strictly assessed by telephone or via video consultation. Patients will only be invited to attend the surgery if the Doctor/Advanced Nurse Practitioner deems that a physical examination is required. All patients will be assessed prior to their attendance at the surgery for Covid related symptoms. All patients and visitors will be requested to wear a face covering when attending the surgery and to come alone (or with one parent if a child).

2 metre social distancing is in place throughout the surgery (where possible) and all staff to wear a face covering when moving about the practice or where the 2 metre rule cannot be applied. Alcohol gel is available at the entrance of the building. Both patients and staff are encouraged to apply this before entering the surgery/clinical rooms.