A Letter to patients of Clayton Brook Surgery

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Dear Patients

First of all we would like to say thank you to all our patients who have helped to keep Clayton Brook Surgery a safe place for patients who have needed to come to see a member of our team.

Telephone and video consultations have been a learning curve for all of us, especially for those of us who are technically challenged, but they have changed how we can deliver care safely.

Unfortunately it appears Covid-19 is going to be around for the foreseeable future. For those under forty years old and who are well, it is often a mild disease with no complications but, for the elderly and those with a chronic disease, it can develop into life threatening complications. Because of this we do need to continue to make the surgery a safe place for patients and colleagues alike.

Telephone and video consultations will continue and for those of you with hospital appointments these too are likely to be telephone based where appropriate. We will also see people face to face where this is necessary to help with diagnosis and care.

We are now using new technology to help contact you, during consultations and for health reviews. You may be asked to email or text us photographs, e,g. for rashes, and our care navigators may ask you to do this before a consultation.

If you have a yearly review it is possible some of it may be over the telephone. You will get a message to inform you of this, so please keep us up to date with correct telephone numbers.

Thank you again for continuing to help us keep Clayton Brook Surgery safe.